Dear Startup Founder(s), Welcome to our form which is thoughtfully crafted to better understand and assess your startup and it's progress. Your honest and comprehensive responses will provide us with valuable insights to evaluate your startups and enable us to build healthy feedback. We assure you that all information provided will be treated with utmost confidentiality. If you have any questions, please do not hesisate to get in touch at [email protected]Name of the Startup *Founder(s) Name(s) *Description of the Startup / What problem does your startup solve? (Briefly describe the main issue your startup addresses) *Industry/Market *Website / APP URLContact Email *Contact Phone *Date of FoundingMonthDayYearLocationPlease SelectTurkeyU.S.AEnglandPlease SelectFunding Status (if any)BootstrappedPre-Seed FundingSeed FundingSeries ASeries BSeries CIPOOthersPlease SelectCurrent Stage of the StartupIdea StageMVP StageSeed StageEarly StageGrowth StageEstablishedValuation ($) (if any)Raising Money ($)Pitch Deck Link (if any)Any other comments or additional information you'd like to shareSubmit